No, this is not a river. It is the road. Our Swiss colleague, Roger, took this photo last Monday after one of our torrential rainstorms. Roger usually rides his bike to school, but last Monday he had to recruit the help of local villagers to get his bike across the road-turned-river!
Earl & I, on the other hand, inched our way to school on the extremely muddied footpath that meanders through our neighboring village. We had taken an alternate route across a palm tree log bridge to avoid the two gullies that we usually cross because they had become rushing rivers. After we had passed the local village hangout, humorously called the “Matopeni Club” (meaning “Mud Club”), we approached the village crossroad which was not a mud puddle, but a sea of muddy water! Not mud wrestling enthusiasts, we tried yet another way. But that too was flooded. So, like most Tanzanians, we returned home, enjoyed a cup of tea and waited until the waters subsided. What a life! 8-)
Sounds familiar :) Best thing is to learn to accept Africa's time. You'll get things done... eventually :) and most importantly - when Mother Nature thinks it's time!